The very Spartan helmet that comes with the Halo 3 Legendary edition. It was just there. Sitting. Was the game under the helmet? Was the game on the shelf ?! No. The employee said they got it a few weeks back and it was just the helm, no game. However he did mention it was the exact one you'd get in the big box.
It looks cool, too small for my head ad probably inappropriate for my gaming centre, but would fit nicely on any TV stand. The visor on it isn't see through though, it's a solid shiny plastic. So if you were planning on turning your cats and babies into a mobile army you'll need to mod it. Actually someone's probably already planning that out.
Dude, I work at a Walmart, and guess what, our tracking sheet told us we were supposed to receive one but it's gone missing. Our supplier said it should have been on the truck that came last week, though. So either the delivery guys took it (unlikely), or someone on our end took it. Our manager's been real quite about it, he hasn't questioned anyone about it and when anyone brings it up, he says it doesn't matter. I think maybe HE took it.
Wrong, I did! I also work for a gaming retailer and I haven't seen one either. Perhaps there is some strange conspiracy amongst the managers of our respective stores. Perhaps they have been paid off by Sony to steal the promo materials! I think we're on to something ton-ton. Do I smell a buddy-cop flick?
Just curious, how'd you come across this pit of the internet? I'm always interested as to where my readers come from.
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