Wednesday, August 1, 2007

What People Buy at Wal-Mart in Summerside, PEI

I had the good fortune to bump into a Wal-Mart employee in Summerside, Prince Edward Island while wasting time looking for new DS games. I had a brief interview with Tasha, and she shed some very interesting light on the buying patterns of the citizens of Summerside.

GeneralGames: "Quick-Question. which do people buy more; Wii, Xbox 360, or PS3?"
Tasha: "Lately, um, PS3."

GG: "I see, how about overall?"
T: "Xbox 360."

GG: "Interesting. Now which would you say sold better this year so far?"
T: "Still the Xbox 360."

GG: "No one buys the Wii?"
T: "Yeah, even games don't sell."
GG: "Because there aren't many?"
T: "Well, I've had these 5 Wiis for several weeks."

GG: "Well I thank you for your time, just for the readers, your console of preference?"
T: "Playstation, I like racing games."
GG: "Motorstorm?"
T: "Need for Speed Underground."

There you have it, Summerside's Playstation loving Tasha admits Xbox 360 is far superior and will win the console race. If you need a Wii go to Atlantic Canada and Motorstorm is not as fun as an ancient Need For Speed. Also readers, this is what you call a slow news day.

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