Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Speculation Be Damned, I See the Future!

Remember when I said before August 12 we'd see the CDN price drop? I had no idea I was so soon. Less than an hour ago Xbox.ca announced that (exactly as I predicted) $100 CDN will be dropped from both the core and premium models. The Elite however only gets a $50 break, and the price of the Halo 3 edition is wedged in between. The breakdown is as follows:

- Xbox 360 Elite $499 CDN
- Xbox 360 Halo Edition $449 CDN
- Xbox 360 Premium $399 CDN
- Xbox 360 Core $299 CDN

This gives them a serious competitive edge for the holiday; cheap enough to combat the Wii and make a laughing stock of the PS3's $659 entry point.

Again, like the American release there is no word on new bundles, but I still expect another holiday pack to surface, like last year's Ghost Recon / XBLA Unplugged pack-in. It looks like we're starting to see companies realizing the difference in the dollar isn't much anymore.

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