Monday, August 6, 2007

Rant: Another Reason I Hate EB Games

Just a little rant because something is pissing the hell out of me right now. As if the reselling of used games as new, the pre-order and expensive warranty pressure and peanuts for trade-ins wasn't enough; EB Games uses shitty, cheap stickers.

Why should I have to spend hours peeling glue off my game cases after I buy something from you? They have invented stickers that leave near no residue. Why do you afflict such torture upon my obsessive compulsive nature?

I hate it. It looks awful and is annoying as hell to get off. I understand the expense of re-shrink wrapping everything, but if you're going to use those damned sticky circles at least make them come off easily. As for the labels? No excuse. That shit should slide off. Rant done.

Also, I found the original Phoenix Wright and Trauma Centre, I am ecstatic.

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