Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Virtual Console Reaches 100 Titles

With the release of this week's Virtual Console titles for the Wii, the system will reach the landmark 100 games available. The release includes; ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (800 WiiPoints), Milon's Secret Castle (500 WiiPoints), Dead Moon (600 WiiPoints) and the official 100th title, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (500 WiiPoints). I'm impressed that the virtual console has picked up as much steam as it has over the system's short life.

I have very fond memories of the ToeJam and Earl series on the Genesis, but I question why Zelda II as the milestone title? It has always been my least favourite in the Zelda series, it broke too far from the original and while the action was a little better the side-scrolling perspective just wasn't right for the franchise. I would have been delighted to hear that a version of Super Mariokart was being released with online multiplayer, but alas. Enjoy your 100th ROM, Nintendo.

Zelda II: Legend of Link ToeJam and Earl in Panicon Funktron Milon's Secret Castle Dead Moon

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