The second big show of E3 had a lot to offer, Nintendo's neck and neck with Microsoft's 1 year head start and it's only been out just over 8 months. They've got alot to say and believe me, no gloating is set aside. Between huge successes in both the North American and Japanese markets with the Wii and DS this conference is all about the expanding market.
The show kicks off with a montage video; not of games, but press. Newspaper headings, YouTube fan videos and various blog posts flash across the screen, all saying that Nintendo is the best. When it's all said and done the president of Nintendo America walks on stage to a Mii background of himself and announces, "My name is Reggie, and I am happy." Alright then.
Every one's favourite crazy-eyed marketing fiend has gone from "I'm about kickin' ass. I'm about taking names, and we're about making games." to "I am happy."? Maybe he's been playing a secret Emotion Age title that allows you to curb your pestilent rage and tame yourself to fit in with society. Regardless, Reggie is on stage and demands your attention. (Or his laser eyes will hurt you).
A lot of talk goes on about market growth. Reggie tells us that thanks to Nintendo, game hardware sales have increased 50%. He tells us that the 70/30 split between console and handheld sales has now leveled at 50/50 thanks to the success of the DS. He also makes passing mention at the fact that more than ever old people and little girls alike are getting together to spend time with the average gamer's console, increasing the available player market.
But again, we come to E3 not to hear statistics, but to see games. The first piece Reggie whips out literally is one. On screen there is a gun-like contraption that houses both the Wii remote and the Nunchuck. The Wii Zapper will debut with a first party Nintendo title specifically made for it later this year for $19.99 USD. Nintendo has made this device to enable more gamers than ever to enjoy a wider variety of games, including first-person shooters, which have been difficult for newcomers to pick-up in the past.
Three games are announced to use the Wii Zapper specifically; Medal of Honour, with 32 player multiplayer, Ghost Squad, Sega's classic arcade rail-shooter, and lastly Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles, because "What's better than whack-a-mole? How about Zap a Zombie?!"
Wii Zapper
I will spare you the yawn-inducing media montage that follows, but they finally bring out the big guns. Super Smash Bros. Brawl will hit December 3rd this year. No new characters or features are announced and no new footage is shown. Reggie makes it a point to reiterate the excitement of multiple control choices, and Giga-Bowser.
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Another strange video is shown, this time two "game journalists", Mike and Jackie, just talk about how much they love their Wii and DS and then their on stage with Bill Trinen. Mike is going to play Phantom Hourglass while Bill talks about it's success in Japan. Famitsu gave it a near perfect score and it is the fastest selling Zelda title in history. This is part of their commitment not to abandon hardcore players, though he does mention many girls are playing the title in Japan. The touch interface does look like it adds a lot of functionality and interactivity to the game, however it looks like it may be very easy to unintentionally perform a lot of moves, something that could get frustrating.
Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass
Jackie then plays Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, because she's a girl and so is Samus. The game looks a lot better graphically than any Wii game I've seen yet. The controls are the main point Bill makes during the demonstration, as we see Jackie controlling Samus in a pretty heated firefight. The control scheme now lets you lock-on to strafe with efficiency, while still using the Wii remote to aim and fire wherever you want on screen. Holding down the minus button and using the appropriate gesture will alter your vision. A special hyper-mode can be activated allowing you to risk corruption for some extra fire-power. The controls seem very well thought out and will be a welcome addition if they play as well as they seem to. He says the Wii has always provided the best FPS control, clearly he skipped Far Cry Instincts: Predator.
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
The trio head off stage as Reggie meanders back on and unveils the Check Mii Out channel, where you can; post and rate Miis of friends and strangers and even download ones you like. There will be contests in the future for Mii celebrity look-alikes and the such. I doubt this will be as popular as Reggie's enthusiasm dictates, but it will be interesting to try out.
Check Mii Out! Channel
The biggest disappointment of the show is up next, Nintendo's online efforts. Reggie says that Nintendo is, and has been dead serious about online gaming. 5.5 million DS users have connected to the Nintendo Wifi service and played over 250 million games. In the near future Mario Strikers Charged will enable online play and accompany Pokemon Battle Revolution as the only two multiplayer online titles for the summer until Guitar Her III hits. In the fall Reggie is happy to announce EA will bring online play to Madden 08 and Fifa 08, I feel like I'm in 2001.
Nintendo Wifi
I really apologise for my sidetracking here, but I feel now is the time to say something. Nintendo's Wii brought something great to the table. The ability to provide gamers with the realistic experience of doing anything without the use of strange peripherals or add-ons. All you needed to do was pick up the controller and play. However, they seem to have lost sight of this and are now going down the route so many third party accessory companies have with their ridiculous attachments for the Wii remote. The wand is perfect, don't touch it!
However, Reggie whips out another hunk of plastic to envelop your helpless controller. The Wii Wheel will be available as a pack-in with MarioKart Wii. I can't really remember if this is a first look at the game or not, we were all expecting it and it looks o different than the last 15 years worth. I hate to be such a downer on one of the system's potentially most fun titles, but this is really disappointing. Argue against me if you want, but I was hoping for more.
There is a glimmer of hope though, Reggie says it will be multiplayer, how many? "Wait and see." the video shows last player being 8, but I have a feeling the game will go at least 12 player online, if not 16.
MarioKart Wii
Every time I watch a Nintendo keynote I get a little more excited when I see Satoru Iwata step on stage. I don't know what it is about him, but I love to hear him speak. Everything he says is personal and honest, plus he's ridiculously cute. He doesn't reveal anything new, but talks about his life growing up as a gamer.
"I played my first video game 30 years ago. In those days there were not many gamers. So, from the start, I thought it would be wonderful if some day everyone could find the same enjoyment I was having. But to do this, we would need to respond with new proposals. So far, we are seeing some positive results. Petting puppies, training your brains, and with Wii, when people start to sweat playing tennis right in their own living rooms, well ... this kind of thing attracts many who have not played before. It is a true paradigm shift. Your enthusiasm is the most valuable prize in video games." Again, I love this man. He leaves too soon, but says Miyamoto will be on soon to charm the crowd. However, before he goes he tells us August 20th we'll see Brain Age 2.
He walks off and we get... More Reggie. Super Mario Galaxy this time, November 12th is launch day and we finally start to get the feeling Nintendo won't have much for the summer. The game looks really good, easy to control with the Wii remote and Nunchuck, plus colourful and fun. They call it "The first true successor to Super Mario 64". Mario is in a Bee outfit, awesome.
Super Mario Galaxy
Third party support is the next topic. Ubisoft's My Word Coach is designed to help you improve vocabulary and spelling, while My Life Coach is set to make you a better person. EA will be releasing MySims on both Wii and DS, but no mention of interconnectivity. The same goes for High School Musical, the game rendition of everyone's favourite Disney Channel made for TV movie. Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword is also shown off, it looks a little worse for wear graphically, but the book positioning and the idea of a pocketable Ryu Hayabusa has me sold.
Soul Caliber Legend seems to be the biggest title exclusive from a third party. The game looks to be a combination of the fighting game we're used to and adventure elements to spice it up. Square Enix wil be bringing Dragon Quest: Swords to the Wii for deep gamers next year and WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2008 will be available on DS and Wii aswell when it hits this fall. To be honest this isn't alot of third party support, but it is widening the scope of Wii releases. Most hardcore gamers will be getting their fixes from a third party title.
Third Party Support
With that aside Miyamoto finally comes on stage to deliver the killer news I know he's been squirming in his seat to spit out. WiiFit, a new title based around health and wellness in the family features the Wii Balance Board, a small foot plank that can weigh you and calculate lean. The game will use the board as an input device, having you perform aerobics, dance steps, or just leaning out of the way as stuff is thrown at you.
The game calculates you BMI, center of gravity and tries to help you get on track to a healthy weight. It keeps stats of the whole family so you know who's the fattest and can readily access it for maximum embarassment. WiiFit comes packed with 40 activies that help tone your body to perfection.
My only issues with this title, is that it's not really a game. Sure it may be great as an outreach tool for new gamers, but I think it's real use would be as a hoverboard, detecting your lean and having you shred through the airwaves of the future. I'm sure the board will eventually be used like this, but for now it seems like it's an interesting concept.
I don't know how strong the staying power of this game will be. Not too many people are interested enough to perform exercise daily, and even though this is supposed to be a game, watching the videos really didn't give me a feel that it was fun.
It really doesn't seem like much. That is, until Reggie comes back on stage to face Miyamoto one-on-one in the socccer headbutt challenge. First to twenty, Reggie schools Miyamoto in the first few seconds. I love when game execs look ridiculous playing their games. This is where the fun is. Nintendo always has a way of doing that, take something dull and make it fun with more people. It's the secret to their success and this could be a huge hit if people are willing to give it a shot.
WiiFit: Reggie Vs Miyamoto
Thursday, July 12, 2007
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