Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Mad Tracks Hits XBLA Tomorrow

The guys at Gamerscore Blog have announced that tomorrow's Xbox Live Arcade game will be Mad Tracks, an enhanced port of the independant title released on PC a while back. I had a chance to play the game a week back at the Gamerscore Blog Road Tour, when they stopped in Toronto. The game plays really fun, similar to ReVolt, the game has you play miniature toy cars that race around tracks and blow eachother up with missles, oil slicks and other fun power-ups. The game supports full 4-player split screen and full 8 player Live support, something not done since Marble Blast Ultra released.

When I got to preview the game I noticed how easy it was to pick up and play. I have said before I am not a racing fan, but this was still alot of fun. The game includes several modes ripped from the Mariokart games, including a destruction derby type arena. The game is well worth the 800 MSP you'll need to shill out for it. However, it has been rumoured the game will be offering "premium" downloadable content later, I ope this doesn't turn into another Luminus Live! because overtaxing gamers for the "whole experience" is a great way to ruin a great game. Nevertheless, the game arrives tomorrow and is a mandatory pickup for anyone that prreciates indie arcade titles.

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